Friends of Brockwell Park deplores licensing go-ahead for Field Day event
Independent parks charity, the Friends of Brockwell Park (FOBP), deplores the decision by the London Borough of Lambeth’s Licensing Committee to grant a licence to Field Day/Mighty Hoopla to hold a massive, gated event in Brockwell Park this 1-3 June 2018. Lambeth’s decision comes despite a prolonged local campaign, in which FOBP played a prominent role.
FOBP chair Peter Bradley said: ‘This is absolutely the wrong decision. The intimate spaces of Brockwell Park are wholly unsuitable for events on this scale. Thousands of local people have made clear their objection and it is extremely depressing that the Council has not listened to us.
‘Because of government financial pressures, times are tight for local councils and we are afraid it appears that money has talked: this is an event that will bring £500,000 to Lambeth’s funds, although not a penny of that £500,000 will go to the Park that is generating the revenue.
‘This is a dreadful day for Lambeth parks. Use of them for events on this scale is a perversion of their purpose to be a haven of peace and relaxation for local people of all ages. They should not be an opportunity for private companies to make millions of pounds for their directors and shareholders, at the expense of local people and our beloved park. FOBP strongly hopes the London Borough of Lambeth will do a thorough review of its present events strategy, which is clearly not fit for purpose.’