This year’s bird walk, organised by the Friends of Brockwell Park and the local RSPB group, took place on Sunday 23 April. The walk was led by Czech Conroy of the local RSPB, and some 27 people joined him. We saw 35 species of birds, with the highlights being watching mistle thrush chicks being fed on their nest in the oak near the Lido, a spotted woodpecker pecking on the fallen log by the exercise kit opposite the BMX track, and a cormorant eating loads of fish in front of us on the top pond.
Here is the full list of the species observed: Graylag Goose; Canada Goose; Mute Swan; Mallard; Tufted Duck; Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon); Stock Dove; Common Wood-Pigeon; Eurasian Moorhen; Eurasian Coot; Herring Gull; Great Cormorant; Gray Heron; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Rose-ringed Parakeet; Eurasian Jay; Eurasian Magpie; Eurasian Jackdaw; Carrion Crow; Eurasian Blue Tit; Great Tit; Common Chiffchaff; Long-tailed Tit; Eurasian Blackcap; Greater Whitethroat; Eurasian Wren; European Starling; Mistle Thrush; Eurasian Blackbird; European Robin; Dunnock; House Sparrow; Common Chaffinch; European Greenfinch; European Goldfinch.
By Peter Bradley and Czech Conroy. Photography by Ian Judson