Tuesday 17 October, 10am–4pm
Everyone welcome! No experience required.
We will spend the day helping to maintain the lengths of hedgerow we having been working on for the past two years. We will be weeding the hedgerows and watering the newly planted whips, where needed, and gapping up any that haven’t survived. We will also be creating clear access to the hedgeline so we can recommence our hedge-laying work this winter.
In association with TCV’s Biodiversity Action Team (South London). This is a joint project of Lambeth Council and the Brockwell Park Community Partners. Friends of Brockwell Park is happy to support it financially, by planting wildflowers along the hedgerow.
This is one of three hedge-maintenance days this week: Tuesday–Thursday 17–19 October.
Meet towards the top end of the park along the Cressingham Estate boundary.
More information from Richard Jedrzejczak r.jedrzejczak@tcv.org.uk