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At the beginning of January this year, when walking in Brockwell Park, I saw a song thrush. Unmistakeable in its slim, elegant outline, whitish speckled front and greyish back. Shy, flying away straightway as I neared on the path. Too early in the year for her song, though.
Quite different from the female blackbird, semi-tame, who would continue her listening and prodding in the grass as I would near and pass; and dressed in rusty brown plumage, and plump. Up in the trees, blackbirds are calling from early before dawn.
Quite different again from the last time I saw a song thrush in the park, probably late April or early May, four years ago. A tragic drama was playing out. Two heavy black-billed crows were raiding the thrush’s nest, with the thrush screeching frantically, fluttering around, ineffectually. I had not seen one since, though looking forlornly.
This morning’s sighting reminded me of words quoted by Sir David Attenborough on a BBC ‘Tweet of the day’ a few years back, when introducing the Song Thrush: words from ‘Home thoughts from abroad’ by Robert Browning, second stanza:
And after April, when May follows,
And the whitethroat builds, and all the swallows!
Hark, where my blossomed pear-tree in the hedge
Leans to the field and scatters on the clover
Blossoms and dewdrops, at the bent spray’s edge,
That’s the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over,
Lest you should think he never could recapture
The first fine careless rapture!
And though the fields look rough with hoary dew,
All will be gay when noontide wakes anew
The buttercups, the little children’s dower
Far brighter than this gaudy melon-flower!
I hope we shall hear the song thrush in Brockwell Park again this May.
Edward Lavender, FoBP Committee Member
The Committee of the Friends of Brockwell Park (FOBP), at a special meeting held on 4 December, unanimously decided to oppose applications for two major events, proposed for summer 2018, as being of a scale wholly unsuited to a small urban park such as Brockwell.
The FOBP’s principal objections to Field Day/The Mighty Hoopla (1-3 June) and Love Box/Citadel (13-15 July) being allowed to come to Brockwell Park are:
1 Exclusion of local community: these events, each of which stands to make their organisers £6 million revenue, have little benefit to the local community whose council taxes pay for the park. They will damage Brockwell Park’s offer of a safe and free haven for the young and the old, whatever their income, for families, for sportspeople, for dog walkers, and the mentally fragile—and summer is a particularly special time for many.
2 Size of area taken: fencing off between a third and a half of the terrain, the events will be a gigantic intrusion into our beloved park, the like of which we have never seen.
3 Length of occupancy: there will be 46 days of event occupation (buildup, event and breakdown) out of 67 days between 20 May and 25 July, including half term/holidays.
4 Noise levels: Lambeth Council is permitting highest decibel levels from 12 noon to 10.30pm, deafening in the park, deeply disturbing and intrusive for a large area outside it.
5 Environmental impact: the footfall of 40-45,000 visitors a day for six days, plus the many heavy vehicles installing and dismantling these events over 46 days in three major months of summer is an intolerable burden on the ecology of the park, even in good weather. If there is bad weather, the damage will be horrendous. The impact on Brockwell Park’s rich wildlife of these 46 days of disturbance is of deep concern to the Friends.
‘Parks are not money trees for private companies or cash-strapped councils,’ said FOBP Chair, Peter Bradley. ‘Of course those who can afford it should enjoy open air concerts of the music they like, but not in a small urban park such as Brockwell. It just does not have the capacity to host such gigantic events. We oppose them utterly.’
At a special meeting held on Monday 4 December, the committee of the Friends of Brockwell Park (FOBP) discussed two applications to hold major events in Brockwell Park next summer:
Field Day/The Mighty Hoopla (1-3 June)
Love Box/Citadel (13-15 July)
These two three-day events will be the largest gated, paying ones ever held in Brockwell Park, with an estimated 120,000 attendance at each (240,000 all told), making estimated revenue for the two private organisers of more than £6 million each (£12 million in total). Brockwell Park will directly get £60,000 if that attendance is achieved, or 1% of £6 million, while Lambeth Council will get a further undisclosed but substantial fee, which one commentator has claimed is half a million pounds in total for the two events.
The financial stakes both for the private organisers and the Council are extraordinarily high and the FOBP fears that both will lose sight of whether there is any genuine benefit to the local community, apart from financial, that these two events will bring. Parks are not money trees for private companies or cash-strapped councils.
A tale of two parks
Both events have come from Victoria Park, but the two parks are not similar at all. Victoria Park is flat and criss-crossed by busy roads, giving a natural, level enclave for events. At 50.8 hectares, Brockwell Park is 60% of the size of Victoria Park (86.18 hectares) and Brockwell’s hilly topography means the footprint of these events is wholly disproportionate to the scale of Brockwell Park.
Lambeth Country Show argument
The private organisers and the Council argue that because Brockwell hosts the annual Lambeth Country Show (LCS), which last year had 150,000 attendees, it can manage these private, gated events. The LCS is much loved, including by the FOBP, who welcome it and want it to stay free. But that is precisely the point: LCS is free and not gated, as were the once-in-a-generation major GLC concerts of the past, such as Rock Against Racism. The LCS creates the feelgood factor, precisely because it is open to all, regardless of income. It is of huge diversity, from the flower tent to the urban farm. It does not impose high-decibel music on people whose tastes differ. It is inclusive, not exclusive, it is all that is good about Lambeth. The thought that it is beyond the wit of Lambeth Council to keep the LCS free without doing deals with Lovebox beggars belief.
Objection 1. Exclusivity
These two events appeal to a limited demographic of people who have the ability to pay £50 a day and upwards to attend them, so by their pricing they exclude people of limited means in what is still one of London’s poorest boroughs. But the range of those excluded is far wider. Parks offer a safe and free haven for the young and the old, whatever their income, for families, for sportspeople, for dog walkers, for picnic parties, for the troubled and the mentally fragile—and summer is a particularly special time for many.
But these events are not take it or leave it; everyone who visits the park has no choice but to accept the noise and disruption. Of course those people who love loud music at 90 decibels in the open air should be catered for, but it is the FOBP’s view that this should not be in a small, urban park such as Brockwell. Parks are about balancing competing interests, but these events are set up to attract people from outside the local community and FOBP believes priority should be given to the locals whose council taxes pay for Brockwell Park.
Objection 2. Extent of takeover of the park
Maps provided by the organisers show the extent of the Park to be enclosed is on a scale never previously experienced. One of the most popular stretches of the Park—from the Herne Hill Gate to the Lido—will be sealed off completely, with damaging financial consequences for the much-loved model railway, which will be unable to run for weeks on end, almost certainly jeopardising its long-term survival. The main path from the Herne Hill Gate to the Hall will be closed completely. The Lido will be almost completely closed off and huge new structures constructed in the field beyond it towards St Jude’s Church and on the redgra pitch. It is claimed only 35% of the Park will be taken, but it looks much more like 50%. It will be a gigantic intrusion into our beloved park.
Objection 3. Length of time: 46 days
From setup of Field Day/The Mighty Hoopla on 20 May to getout of Love Box/Citadel on 20 July, these two events will occupy the Park for 41 days (plus 5 days for the Lambeth Country Show, which runs back to back with Love Box/Citadel and gets out on 25 July).
From mid-May to the end of July, therefore, including the summer half term, the Park will not be available to users in any normal way for 46 out of 67 days, ie 68% of the time. That is unacceptable to FOBP.
Objection 4. Environmental impact
The footfall of 40-45,000 visitors a day for six days, plus the many heavy vehicles installing and dismantling these events over 46 days in three major months of summer is an intolerable burden on the ecology of the park, even in good weather.
If there is bad weather, the damage done to the ground by 240,000 people over six days and heavy vehicles churning up mud for more than six weeks will be horrendous. Our experience is that, despite all the promises of good intent, such damage remains unfixed for years.
Fresh in the FOBP’s memory are the two Sunfall events of 2016 and 2017. With ‘only’ 20,000 a day, the vandalism, litter, brawling, urinating and defecation were terrible; FOBP believes the impact of 40-45,000 visitors a day for six days in the space of a month, with similar damaging behaviour, has not been seriously thought through and we do not believe it is sustainable.
Objection 5. Decibel level
The noise level of both events is inescapable, whether people have chosen to pay or not. And for these two events, Lambeth is permitting the highest decibel levels, something the FOBP has long opposed and has had support for its opposition from an extensive local survey. In some parks, Hyde Park, for instance, concerts are held far from housing. In Brockwell Park, the houses are cheek by jowl along its perimeter and the noise, for hours on end, deafening in the park and deeply disturbing and intrusive for a large area outside the park, for miles around.
Objection 6. Wildlife impact
The impact on Brockwell Park’s rich wildlife of these 46 days of disturbance from many heavy vehicles, including six days of high-decibel noise and excessive human footfall, from 12 noon to 22.30, is of deep concern to the Friends.
As a charity, we are bound by the two objects of our constitution:
* To seek to preserve and protect as an historic, landscaped, public open space the whole of the curtilage known as Brockwell Park, Herne Hill, to seek to maintain its beauty, history and ecological interest, and to enhance and promote the Park.
* To ensure its free enjoyment by all sections of the community for their recreation and leisure for the enhancement of the quality of life in this part of South London.
We do not believe these two events will help maintain Brockwell Park’s beauty, history and ecological interest; we believe they will damage them, perhaps severely. As gated, paying concerts, these two events do not offer ‘free enjoyment by all sections of the community for their recreation and leisure for the enhancement of quality of life’.
After prolonged discussion, the committee unanimously decided to oppose both events, as being wholly unsuitable for a small urban park such as Brockwell and will be conveying its views to Lambeth Council’s events consultation process.
Photographer and cold water swimmer Michael Wharley has a little project: to do before-and-after shots of swimmers this Sunday. In case you don’t know him, I attach a photo of him clothed. He will be poolside this Sunday 26 November from pool opening at 7.45am to close at 12.15pm and would love to photograph you if you’re game. If you would like to contact him beforehand, his website is below.
Michael says: “I’ve loved the Lido for years and I want to shoot portraits of its diverse community of swimmers prepped for their swim, and then red/goosebumped and tingling afterwards, to share the apprehension, terror, numbing endurance, joy, exhilaration and release of an icy dip. In your Speedos or swimsuit, wetsuit or snuggly towel, begoggled and behatted, or clutching a flask in flipflops, it would only take a few minutes before and after your Sunday swim.”
Just wave at Michael on the poolside for your portrait.
Where: next to the pool, Brockwell Lido, before and after your swim.
When: Sunday 26th November 2017, 7.45am-12pm.
Duration: 2-3 mins either side of your swim.
Do I need to book a slot? No, just wave at Michael.
Is this for commercial use? No, it’s a personal project.
About Michael: www.michaelwharleyphoto.com
Did you receive this letter to attend a meeting on Monday 20 November at 7pm at Herne Hill Baptist Church?
It’s from Field Day about the festival of the same name in the park in 2018. Everyone is free to go along to ask questions and hear about the plans. You don’t need an invite!