Park Events
We have regular events throughout the year. Below you can find a list of all up and coming events.
Park Events
Hedge Laying – 2025
Volunteer to help improve biodiversity in Brockwell park for Spring! The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) will start from where they finished laying the hedge last year, on the perimeter hedge line opposite the third pond (Tulse Hill side) and work north to the Arlingford Road entrance this winter. Work begins at 10am with tea/coffee break at 11.30 (provided); lunch at 1pm (bring your own); finish at 4pm. Tools and gloves provided. Go to the FOBP BLOG/News for more detail on this important project. The project runs to March 2025 and you can read more on the TCV website. We will be working from the ponds near the Tulse Hill side of the park up to the Arlingford Road entrance.
Upcoming dates:
- Tuesday 14th January
- Wednesday 15th January
- Thursday 16th January
- Tuesday 4th February
- Wednesday 5th February
- Thursday 6th February
- Tuesday 11th March
- Wednesday 12th March
- Thursday 13th March
Bird Walk
New to bird watching or a committed twitcher? Come along to the Brockwell Bird Walk on Sunday 13th April starting from the Herne Hill gate at 6am. Spaces are limited so sign up at More info from Meet Czech Conroy and his colleagues, who will be your guides to the Bird Kingdom – they are all local members of RSPB’s Central London Local Group. The walk will take up to 90 minutes with some places over grass, so please come in suitable footwear and bring binoculars if you have them.
Car Boot Sale
Welcome to the Friends of Brockwell Park fundraising Car Boot Sale, a series of beloved local community events held in the Lido car park this Summer. Come along, meet the neighbours and buy some stuff (9am to 1pm, Sunday 11th August). We are open to the public from 9am with free entry for buyers.
There’s free parking in Dulwich Road. Sellers arrive from 7am, first come first served (no advance bookings): £10 per car; £15 per van. This Summer the car boot sales will be held on
- Sunday 11th May
- Sunday 15th June
- Sunday 13th July
- Sunday 10th August
- Sunday 14th September
Get news and updates about our car boots – email your contact details to