Press Release – Views on Tree Felling

Some 44 trees in Brockwell Park are due to be felled or substantially reduced. Each has a notice about the works. Lambeth chose to initiate this process without any consultation or proper advanced notice.

The Friends of Brockwell Park (FOBP) has two experienced tree volunteers who guide the committee on tree policy. FOBP believes Lambeth’s Tree Team has made correct decisions about the necessary work.

Normally, such works are banned during the bird nesting season. It is unclear why Lambeth has chosen to ignore this requirement or whether it will be breaking the law.

Normally, a programme such as this would be implemented over a number of months. Lambeth is accelerating the works because more than 30,000 people a day are expected at this summer’s major events. The FOBP has always opposed large events in the park and especially those taking place behind high fencing. These events damage the park and restrict access to local people and children, many of whom depend on Brockwell Park for its open green space.

On balance, the decisions about the scope of works to each affected tree appear to be sound. However, the timing is unfortunate. Lambeth has created alarm and significant concern by its lack of consultation and lack of advance communication. Some local people say every tree should be ‘saved’. It is always sad to see trees felled, but it is sometimes necessary. We believe the park needs a mixture of healthy growing trees and those left to provide wildlife habitats.

The FOBP has run a donor tree planting programme in Brockwell Park for decades, co-ordinating with the Council and its Tree Team. Last year, 24 new trees were donated and planted. The same is planned for 2024. In this way, the park is refreshed and rejuvenated and the loss of old or diseased trees is mitigated. Find out more about this programme on our website:

Support the park and find out more about our tree donor programme by joining the Friends of Brockwell Park – go to

4 thoughts on “Press Release – Views on Tree Felling

  1. Dear FOBP, I haven’t been involved with FOBP much over the last few years but want to thank you for all that you are doing to represent park users -particularly over the issue of large events and walling off large areas of the park. I also share your concerns about the timing of removal of so many trees, and the effect on nesting birds.
    I appreciate the way that new trees are being planted, but have one concern about this. I have noticed in at least two instances that new plantings have been placed directly in front of benches, and as the trees mature, they will effectively block out the views that people sitting on those benches would otherwise appreciate. One of these is on the Cressingham gate side of the park.

  2. thank you for this statement about the position of FOBC COCERNING THE TREE PROPOSALS. I broadly agree with it – my concern about the tree felling was principally about timing with respect particularly to nesting
    I am glad to see your continued opposition to the music events about to be held . It is a mystery as to why Lambeth feel this is in any way appropriate for our loved park . I imagine that the parks and tree departments are opposed for a host of reasons . That is before we get to the effect on local people both in terms of noise and access

  3. Brockwell Park has been sagnificant green space for my family. My both sons had been using it since they were little. We live in block flat so Brockwell is like our garden and I belive also for many people living on estate. During pandemic even though busy it helped us to go through scary times.Lately its our sunctuary were we walk, cycle ,play with children and meet friends. It’s a space that restores our minds and body. We got to look after it. Therefore it’s a big NO to planned 40trees removal!!!

  4. Thank you for the above info re. the works to the trees in BP – it was very reassuring about the need for the works but less so about the timing. What a pity that Lambeth cannot communicate with such clarity. There’s been a lot of concerns and misinformation flying about.

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